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Want to Work With Us?

At We Are Lyrical, we believe in the power of collaboration and community. We're always excited about opportunities to work with creative, passionate individuals and organizations.

Here are a few ways we can work together:

Collaborations: Do you have a unique idea that blends music and storytelling in a compelling way? Or you're a musician or artist who wants to dive into the heart of your songwriting process with us. We're eager to explore innovative projects that bring our listeners a fascinating lyrical journey. Reach out to us with your proposal!

Sponsorships: If your brand aligns with our mission to decode and celebrate the magic of song lyrics, we'd love to discuss sponsorship opportunities. Sponsoring a We Are Lyricaly post or episode is a fantastic way to reach a dedicated, music-loving audience while supporting a deep exploration of songcraft.

Partnerships: Have an event or opportunity you think we should be a part of? Whether it's a music festival, lyric-writing workshop, or charity concert, we're open to partnerships that can broaden our audience's experiences. We'd love to hear your ideas on how we can work together to amplify the power of music and storytelling.

We're excited to hear from you and explore ways we can work together to bring more enriching and entertaining content to our audience.

Feel free to reach out to us.