We Are Lyrical is dedicated to providing honest and transparent content to our users. In keeping with this commitment, we think it's important that you are aware of our involvement with various affiliate programs, promotional activities, and sponsorships.

Affiliate Programs

We participate in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on purchases made through our links to retailer sites. This does not impact our editorial content, nor does it affect the price you pay. Products are chosen for their relevance and quality, and any commissions earned allow us to continue providing quality content to our users.


Occasionally, we may run promotions on our site or social media platforms. These promotions may be in collaboration with other companies that provide products or services for giveaways or prizes. We maintain full discretion over the selection of these companies, ensuring they align with our values and meet our standards of quality. We are not influenced by these companies in the creation of our content.


We Are Lyrical may accept sponsorships from other companies whose products and services align with our mission. When content is sponsored, it will be clearly indicated to the reader. We retain editorial control over all content on our site, including sponsored content. Sponsorship does not equate to endorsement, and all opinions expressed are our own.

Transparency with our users is paramount, and we believe in being upfront about our affiliations. If you have any questions or concerns about our affiliate programs, promotions, or sponsorships, please feel free to contact us. Your trust is essential to us, and we strive to maintain it by adhering to ethical and transparent practices.

Content generated by AI on this site is a creative interpretation and for informational and entertainment purposes only; see our Legals for details.